President Donald Trump and his supporters have heralded his use of tariff threats to extract concessions on drug trafficking and border security from Canada and Mexico. Yet, experts say, some of the measures agreed to by America’s two largest trading partners and close allies are less substantial than what has been trumpeted. Trump announced the
As the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, Latin American countries are facing complex circumstances when it comes to defending themselves against forest fires — and urban fires. In Argentinian Patagonia, fires have destroyed more than 10,100 hectares (24,958 acres) of native forests, including areas of Nahuel Huapi National Park. There are also active
Home Fossil Energy US oil & gas player gets cracking on development studies as two out of three Gulf of Mexico wells yield hydrocarbons U.S.-headquartered privately owned exploration and production company LLOG Exploration has started the ball rolling on development studies for two hyd rocarbon-bearing wells in its three-well exploration/appraisal campaign. The wells are located
Crisis migratoria Acusan que el endurecimiento de las políticas migratorias en Estados Unidos ha dejado a miles de migrantes varados en México, expuestos a la violencia y extorsión del crimen organizado Por: Perla Rodríguez Contreras 16 febrero, 2025 - 12:31 pm Línea Directa | Organizaciones civiles advierten que los migrantes atrapados en la frontera sur
"México y EU, en cierto sentido, se necesitan y tienen que aprender a jugar limpio”, ha dicho esta tarde Jessica Chastain , acompañado del realizador mexicano Michel Franco, durante el pase de “Dreams”, su más reciente filme que compite en Berlín. La película que compite por el Oso de Oro, máxima presea del certamen alemán
He did so as his tariffs – taxes on imported goods that are generally passed along to consumers – threatened to exacerbate inflation and spooked the stock market. Trump had repeatedly suggested before the deals that Americans should be prepared for some potential economic “pain”. The immediate question is whether Trump’s pullback has more to
El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, confirmó el viernes que el gobierno de su país trabaja con México en un plan para combatir el tráfico de armas y drogas en la frontera y que se afecta a ambas naciones. En una entrevista de radio, el diplomático estadunidense aseguró que México está tomando