MEXICO CITY — Car bombs. Massacres. The slaying of a Roman Catholic priest. A cartel war that has engulfed a major city. A mayor of another large city beheaded after he dared to call for peace. Six weeks after taking office, Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum is contending with a nationwide wave of violence, and is facing
Bolsa subiu 0,92% em dia de leve recuperação Após dia turbulento no mercado financeiro, o dólar fechou praticamente estável, depois de bater R$ 6,20 ao longo da sessão. A bolsa de valores subiu quase 1%, em dia de leve recuperação. O dólar comercial encerrou esta terça-feira (17) vendido a R$ 6,096, com pequena alta de 0,02%, renovando
Las autoridades, empleador y agrupaciones sindicales discutieron en las últimas semanas cuál debería ser el valor de los ingresos mínimos de los trabajadores, pero no lograron un consenso. El proceso para fijar el incremento salarial se basa cada año en el porcentaje de inflación proyectada por el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas y en las
Home Fossil Energy Transocean drillship gets another drilling job in Gulf of Mexico October 17, 2024, by Melisa Cavcic Switzerland-based offshore drilling contractor Transocean has secured a new long-term ultra-deepwater drillship assignment with an undisclosed operator in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, where the rig is already carrying out drilling operations for an oil major.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Jurors in New Mexico have awarded a man more than $412 million in a medical malpractice case that involved a men’s health clinic that operates in several states. The man’s attorneys celebrated Monday’s verdict, saying they are hopeful it will prevent other men from falling victim to a scheme that involved fraud
Databricks, companie din San Francisco specializată în gestionarea volumelor mari de date şi a inteligenţei artificiale, care are doi profesori români printre fondatori, Ion Stoica (59 de ani) şi Matei Zaharia (39 de ani), s-a finanţat cu 10 miliarde de dolari în cea mai mare tranzacţie de venture capital din 2024, oferind companiei o evaluare
President-elect Donald Trump said his conversation Wednesday with Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum was “wonderful” and “very productive.” She, in turn, described their phone call as “excellent.” Their upbeat readouts on the call marked a contrast from earlier in the week, when Trump warned he would impose a 25 percent tariff on all goods from Mexico