The United States is unique among nations in many ways. One of those ways, though, lies in a constitutional amendment, part of the Bill of Rights, and it's the part that guarantees the others: The Second Amendment. That right to keep and bear arms, recognized in the Second Amendment, has been the focus of a
Clandestine meetings, dramatic TV pleas, ransom demands, hurried getaway drives across the Mexican border... It sounds like a thriller – a setup for the likes of Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, or Liam Neeson to Kool-Aid Man through the door, guns blazing, ready to re-possess what was unjustly taken. Minus the action movie heroes and firearms
El presidente de Estados Unidos ha publicado un post en su red social Truth en el que ha criticado la ofensiva de Rusia, después de haber acercado posturas recientemente con su líder.Zelenski propone a Putin una tregua parcial y lamenta lo sucedido con TrumpEl Kremlin ve positiva la carta de Zelenski a Trump que abre
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